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President's message December 2021


It’s been another great quarter for events for our Minuteman members. In August we met at the
Newport Polo Club to watch an exciting match against Palm Beach. Box lunches were served and even
though it was scorching hot, we all had a great time. This was my first polo event and if you haven’t
been, I highly recommend it for your calendar in 2022!

In late August, we held our annual Germanfest exhibition at Larz Anderson Park in Brookline, MA. It
was a fantastic turnout and great to see current and new members participating. Finally, car shows
are back!

Jumping forward to October, we hosted a Sunday Drive event which took us from Waltham, MA to
Jaffrey, NH along a very scenic route. We expect to do more of these once the weather warms up in
the spring. This was a really fun event and I would encourage all members to consider joining the next

Some of us participated in the Faberallye, hosted by our friends in the Northern New England Stars
chapter. Although I didn’t do the actual Rallye, I heard it was quite challenging! The dinner turned out
to spectacular. Next year, it’s our turn to host Faberallye so I hope you will email me with ideas on
where to do this.

We are seeking article contributions from members for future issues so if you have a topic that you have some expertise on or just want to share your thoughts, please email our editor Leia Owen.

We have started planning activities for 2022 including another drive event and the EAS open house in May. More to come!

Thank you for your continued membership in our club.

Dean Coclin

President's message August 2021

The return to in-person events in 2021 has been a success so far. The American Heritage Musuem, the Salem nautical cruise and dinner, and the Newport Polo Club brought out many new members who want to showcase their vehicles and connect with fellow MBCA Minuteman. Let's hope we can continue the momentum in the fall while maintaining safety for all.

We owe a big 'thank you' to our past presidents and officers who have put the club in excellent financial shape and give us one less thing to worry about as we plan future events and gatherings.

Please watch your email and check our website for upcoming events such as Mercedes Day at Larz Anderson Park, the annual Faberrallye and a planned Sunday drive event.

I'm always open to your suggestions and feedback so please drop me a note here: [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!

Dean Coclin

President's Message January 2021

Hello Everyone,

   2020 was certainly challenging for everyone and turned out to be a wash for our section. It seemed every time we committed to an event there were new restrictions implemented here in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, doing their best to keep us safe. In speaking with the other officers, we are optimistic about holding events as the vaccine roles out. Later in the year we would like to have the EAS Technical Session, the Newport Polo Match Tailgate Party, and Germanfest/Mercedes Day at the Larz Anderson. If you bought tickets for the Polo Match last year, we will be honoring them this year. We are also looking into a Track Day at Thompson Speedway. If you have any suggestions you would like me to bring to the board please e-mail me at: [email protected]. We will be updating the "Upcoming Events" section as things become more concrete. Until then be well, be safe, and enjoy the drive!


Edward Owen

MBCA- Minuteman Section President
