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The club has had a great year with well attended events and in many cases, sold out. Despite a tough economy, members continue to support our events and they can't wait for what's in store for 2023.

I'm pleased to announce that our own Ulysses deGuzman was voted Minuteman Chapter's Member of the Year. We presented him with a plaque honoring his participation and leadership in club events. Ulysses has lead several drive events and is already planning new ones for 2023. Congratulations Ulysses!

The Holiday Pops and Annual Meeting, organized by Rich Garick, was another great success. You can read more about it in this newsletter. I was completely surprised to be presented with the Officer of the Year award during the dinner meeting by Vice
President Barry O'Neill and past president Ed Owen. I had no idea this was coming and am extremely grateful for this honor. Thank you! In addition, Barry, Court and I were re-elected to our current positions in the club. We look forward to serving the members for another year.

The Minuteman Chapter presented Mercedes Benz of Westwood with a plaque in recognition of their generous sponsorship of this year's Germanfest. We are hoping to work with MB Westwood again in 2023. I was told they will be knocking down their existing showroom and building a brand new place, to be completed by end of 2023. We will likely have an event there once construction is complete.

We've already started planning some familiar and new events for 2023. There will likely be a break for the winter but spring will be back with the annual EAS Open House, one of the most popular club gatherings. We will publish our 2023 event schedule in the next newsletter.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and a great New Year. I look forward to engaging and driving with you in the New Year

Dean Coclin